How to install:
(0. Create Project with CoreData)
1. Copy category "NSManagedObject+Data" in your Project (Download Link)
2. If you have a .pch file, you can import the category there
3. DONE :-)
How to use it:
in your ViewController class:
(if category is imported by precompiled header file you only need to import your entity class ... else import the category "NSManagedObject+Data" too.
#import "MyCustomEntity.h"
#import "NSManagedObject+Data.h"
//get all entities of MyCustomEntity
NSArray *myCostumEntities = [MyCustomEntity allEntitiesWithSortDescriptors:nil];
//create a new entity in db
MyCustomEntity *newOne = [MyCustomEntity createEntity];
//delete a entity
[newOne deleteEntity];
// or
[MyCustomEntity deleteEntitiesWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"name = %@",]];